EasyOnlineadvertising.com Terms


By registering for or retaining a membership at EasyOnlineadvertising.com you agree that you have read these terms, understand them, and agree to be bound by them.

We expressly reserve the right to refuse access to this website to any person, at any time and for any reason that we deem justifiable.

Unless you received prior permission from EasyOnlineadvertising.com, you may only register for one EasyOnlineadvertising.com account.

The use of any software that surfs on your behalf is prohibited.

You may not promote EasyOnlineadvertising.com in a way that could be considered spamming. Promoting EasyOnlineadvertising.com in a way that could be considered spamming will result in removal of your EasyOnlineadvertising.com account and possible legal action.

The Solicitation of donations or loans, personal or otherwise is strictly prohibited and if discovered will result in the suspension of the member who is attempting to do so.

Users are completely responsible for the content they promote using EasyOnlineadvertising.com. Users are responsible for ensuring they have the rights to promote a URL, and any content it contains. EasyOnlineadvertising.com is not responsible if a user is in violation of another legal agreement, copyright infringement, or any other issues.


Users are responsible for managing their subscriptions at EasyOnlineadvertising.com. This can be done in the accounts menu in the membership area, where it is possible to cancel active subscriptions. In addition, upgraded users are responsible for logging in each month to receive the bonus advertising provided with the upgrade. EasyOnlineadvertising.com will not issue refunds for upgrades.

URL Rules

Before submitting a URL to EasyOnlineadvertising.com, please read these rules very carefully and make sure your URL does not violate any of them. If you violate any of these rules, your site will be suspended or deleted. Your EasyOnlineadvertising.com account may also be suspended.

*No sites promoting or encouraging any form of abuse against a person/people or animal/s.

*No sites promoting or encouraging substance abuse.

*No sites promoting or encouraging terrorism.

*No frame-breaking sites.

*No viruses, trojans, or spyware.

*No adult content or sites promoting sexual enhancement products or anything related.

*No sites that promote hatred, prejudice or paranoia.

*Rotators or PTP may be promoted only if all sites or banners in rotation comply with these terms.

*No investment autosurfs".

*No gambling sites".

*No ponzi/pyramid schemes.

*Cash gifting/100% commission schemes/programs.

*No excessive flashing or any other wild use of animation in sites or in banner images

*EasyOnlineadvertising.com has the full right to delete any site that is inappropriate or questionable.

*EasyOnlineadvertising.com also reserves the right to suspend or delete any other site, or suspend any member, that it feels may offend other members, degrade the reputation of this site, or disrupt surfing.

 UPDATED 2025-01-29