Mona Menezes
Mona's Interests

My interests are travelling, movies, food, music.
Utilizing this space to list recommended sites from which payments are received with thanks
🙏and happiness, which supports my money making interest 😄

The Food Game banner

The Food Game banner

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  • Mona's Blog

  • Jul 25th 2024 at 8:39 AM
    The best days of my life ...

    An inspirational speaker said:

    "The best days of my life were 
    the days I spent with another man's wife!"

    The audience were in shock and silence.
    He added: "...and she is my mother."


    A big round of applause and laughter followed.

    One man who listened to the speech decided 
    to crack this at home.

    At dinner, he said to his wife:
    "The best days of my life were 
    the days I spent with another man's wife!"


    For a moment he tried to recall the second line ..

    By the time he regained his senses, he was on a hospital bed,
    recovering from burns of hot curry poured by his wife.



    MORAL: Don't copy if you cannot paste.   


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  • May 31st 2024 at 8:56 AM
    New TEs in May'24


    $2 Sign Up Bonus as per the splash! But i got only $1


    $2 Sign Up Piggy Bank Cash!


    $1 Sign Up Bonus!



    Advertising credits etc are in the Banner and splashes etc.

    2 comments - add a comment
  • May 5th 2024 at 3:00 AM
    Payout Request Format or example

    Payout Request Format or example

    Recently, a discussion on members being banned for 
    rude payout requests has prompted this blog post. 
    (Am at my wits' end to understand - when you do all the hard work, 
    why throw it away by being rude? My brain couldnt compute)

    I believe most communication that seems rude in nature 
    is not always intentional but a lack of language skills.

    I was also asked - is it fair or right for admins to do this?

    Unfortunately, it is an unregulated line of business 
    and up to the admins.

    We can compare it to the restaurant business 
    that has - Rights of Admission.

    If you misbehave, you can be asked to leave.
    Not just behaviour, clothing etc., we know what is allowed and what is not.

    Therefore, Yes, being rude can make an admin ban, 
    even if you don't think it is fair.  

    After speaking to a few admins, and seeing the messages,
    here are some common messages that are considered impolite (borderline rude):

    1. Pay Me
    2. Admin, I want payment

    3. Blah, Blah (criticize) and then say by the way, my payment is due …

    4. Repeated reminders

    5. Why are you taking so long to pay????? 

    6. Usage of too many question marks and exclamations … 

    7. Sending repeated tickets without checking
    responses from admin in emails (Yes, omg, there are several)

    And, you may say that you have been paid by some admins 
    (even with these types of messages).
    Thank your stars for such admins who have a broader 
    understanding of language issues, the world, culture etc.

    My point is - why take that chance or give a reason to be banned
    when your hardwork and money is at stake?

    Here is a sample payout request format you can use when requesting payment

    (Red text - the basic components it should contain)


    Dear Admin or Hello Admin (usage of names is also ok, leave it up to you) or
    Greetings of the day, Admin.

    Giving Thanks 

    Thank you for giving me a wonderful opportunity to earn.  

    (yes, thank them - it is a no brainier- they work 24/7 
    to keep their site running for you to earn

    Newsflash - If you think surfing is a rocket science (niche) skill! 
    and justifies the above messages ...

    You should seek counseling and medical help.

    I mean this in the nicest possible way, understand the skill level needed to surf.  
    Very very important!

    Suggestions if any (optional)

    Good opportunity to showcase yourself 
    when you suggest something for the site. 

    Actual payout request

    As per the requirements or T&C, I have reached payout 
    and wish to request payout to my

    Provide more than one option is better.

    Sign Off

    Many thanks for your support.

    Have a great / wonderful / awesome day ahead.

    Best Wishes

    Now, let's put it all together and this is how it looks.

    Dear Admin

    Thank you for giving me an opportunity to earn.
    Much appreciated.  I like many of the features here like the co-op and the team surfing etc.
    Please implement Login Spotlight if possible at a reasonable price.
    I noticed that $1 works on many sites.

    Please note, i have successfully reached the payout threshold of $15.

    My preferred payment processor is WISE or Paypal

    My email id is

    CURRENCY: (local currency) - atleast rule in my country. 

    Wishing you a wonderful day and a great week ahead.

    Best wishes

    Store it as a template and COPY. PASTE. CHANGE as REQD. REPEAT.

    4 comments - add a comment
  • Today, I would like to pay my respects to Misty Hits and Standout TE.  
    Every Traffic Exchange in its own unique way has a heart and a soul.

    Misty Hits 
    Although, I did'nt get much time to surf there -
    when i could surf, i realized that this modest TE, owned by Chetan Midda 

    offered a lot of promise.  With some much needed love and care,
    this TE had the potential to grow.  

    Alas, it was cut short - 2022 to 2024. 

    My brief interaction with Chetan, showed me that he is an excellent surfer
    when he is not busy and a great team player.

    Please accept my condolences for Misty Hits, my friend.  

    And, Thank you for the traffic!


    Standout TE - Truly a TE steeped in Gothic culture!
    Show me a TE that has as much spunk, so complex and exotic
    at the same time, as Standout TE.

    True to its name - Those crisp and deep creatives that let you experience more than just traffic! 
    Elizabeth Ramsek, you are an artist!

    Popular saying - Good art need not necessarily mean good business! 
    Thank you for the traffic!
    And, may its soul rest in peace!

    2 comments - add a comment
  • Traffic Exchange (TE) Obituary and why not?

    Before I join any more TE's, I would like to take a moment to 
    record the sudden demise or disappearance of a few TE's
    that have happened since my brief tenure online.

    Pay my respects via Traffic Exchange Obituary posts. 
    A remembrance!

    When a new TE launches, they are promoted with grand pomp 
    and show for days and weeks until a new one comes along.  

    Then, as time passes, some make it, some sail into the sunset.   

    I am a big believer in closure.
    Through these TE obituary posts, I wish to pay my respects.

    Join me in saying good bye! 
    Stay tuned for the upcoming TE Obituaries.

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  • Am i contributing to the growth of a ‘Ponzi’ business?

    When i speak to my friends about joining me in the TE business,
    am always faced with a question that i can't answer, and,
    the happenings over the last couple of weeks have got me thinking -
    Am i contributing to the growth of ‘Ponzi’ businesses?

    I invested in 6 lifetime memberships last year and multiple yearly upgrades
    because i sincerely want to believe that I am not in a Ponzi business.

    However, the incidents over the last few weeks:

    a) Launching a spate of multiple sites by same owners 
    b) decrease in commission percentages after members upgrades.
    c) adhoc changes in surf rewards after members
    d) Adding so many payment processors as options and then eventually
    delaying payment by asking the member to have a specific payment processor.
    Fully knowing that all payment processors are not present in all countries.

    Have got me re-thinking that maybe my friends are right.  
    They say, we cannot take away ‘Ponzi’ from this business!

    For those who dont know the meaning -
    An investment swindle in which some early investors
    are paid off with money put up by later ones that leads to encouraging more and bigger risks

    And, obviously the next truth - Admin and sites dont live forever. 
    And, the final truth - There is no legal remedy if you lose your investment,
    just bad feelings that you have to get over in time.

    I kept asking myself  - would i take part in something like this in the offline world
    where there are legal remedies.

    Is it ethical what is being done?
    Should'nt the days of upgrade be refunded to members, once said changes are made.

    Will this discourage future members from upgrading? 
    Am i promoting the right sites?
    In the race to score upgrades, are admins in over their heads
    and thus forcing these decisions.

    I have already deleted my account from a couple
    of sites that kept changing the rules, irrespective of the comms that were there.  

    As a principle (online as well as offline), i will never be a part of shifty businesses.  

    Admins supporting these businesses by giving them prime real-estate
    on their websites need to ask themselves, what are they supporting?

    There are 2 reasons why it is bad for business:
    1.  The sites don't really have more membership than the sites
    providing the real estate - even if FREE.
    (maybe in the past, it had)

    2. You risk bringing down your site and bugging your members
    when those sites go down or are under maintenance.

    l don't believe many TE's are like a ‘Ponzi’ Scheme.
    I do believe the actions of a few are contributing to the
    overall degradation of the industry as a whole.

    Am leaving the topic here, and it is open to discussion:
    1. Is it ethical to change the T&C time and time again?
    2. If yes, then, should members with an upgrade in effect be refunded for the days post the changes made as it violates what was on offer?  
    Would you tolerate it in an offline world, where there is a legal system that can address the issue.
    3. And finally, are we contributing to making the TE business more Ponzi …
    than ever before!


    Disclaimer: I am looking for a healthy discussion on this topic.  
    No intention to cause harm or distress to anyone.  
    No animals were harmed during the writing of this post.

    My keyboard took the brunt of it!

    Please feel free to share your views and experiences.

    Finally, my humble request - please refrain from using foul language or naming
    names or sites when sharing any incidents with respect to the above.

    Help me convince my friends that the TE Business is
    legitimate and not Ponzi.

    5 comments - add a comment
  • Mar 31st 2024 at 10:30 PM
    Special Easter offer from FastNFurious!

    Special Easter offer from FastNFurious

    Yearly Membership at $79! Grab this awesome deal! Normally, $120!

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  • Mar 5th 2024 at 8:43 AM
    New TE from Ian Cormier! Mar'24

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  • Feb 26th 2024 at 6:34 AM
    New TE! Feb'24

    Surf 25 for 1000 credits

    40% Comms for upgraded members.

    10% Comms for free members.

    Get 500 FG Gold gift from me.

    Food Game

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  • I-Love Traffic comes packed with features🔥😍
    And, a starter pack worth $9.99!

    Yes, you read that right!  As a member of I-Love Traffic, you'll

    unlock a treasure trove of benefits designed to skyrocket your e-commerce


    * Advanced Advertising Tools

    * Real-Time Click Stats and Link Tracking

    * Great Affiliate Program

    * Top Class Support

    Email Marketing and Viral Banner Advertising at it's best!

    This is a no brainer and a must join program! 

    Strengthen your advertising armory today!

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  • Jan 14th 2024 at 5:28 AM
    I swear I was going to backup tomorrow!

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  • Jan 11th 2024 at 10:41 PM
    New TE from Jase L - Jan'24

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  • Jan 7th 2024 at 4:14 AM
    New TE from Howard Glaves - Jan'24

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  • Jan 6th 2024 at 2:42 AM
    More than just a Sun Sign!

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  • Dec 31st 2023 at 2:09 AM
    Welcome 2024! 🥂

    HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024 🥂

    Dear Friends,
    Thank you for making 2023 a year to remember! 
    When there is so much choice out there,
    I am delighted that you have put your faith in me

    You are an integral part of my team, network, friends and family 

    Hope 2024 will make all your dreams come true 💫 and
    if in any way i can be instrumental in making that happen, you know where to reach me! 

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  • Dec 11th 2023 at 1:04 AM


    Dear Friends,
    Sometimes (not always) direct link can show someone else's Ref Name,
    rather than your Name like the example below and you would'nt know about it.

    Suggested approach is to use the splashpage link
    that doesnt have this drawback instead of direct signup links.

    Normally, when i see such anomalies, i tend to inform members
    in a PM or maybe via an email, cause i can share a screenshot.

    However, that doesnt help many who are probably losing
    their potential referrals and are not even aware about it.
    Will use this space to share such examples. 
    Hope it will be helpful.

    11 DEC 23


    PS: Admin can fix this issue if aware that it is happening. 
    Many times, they may not be aware of this.

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    November 26-27, Cyber Monday special!

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  • Nov 25th 2023 at 7:20 AM


    • Upgraded - 20% - 40% Comms
    • Established TE Owner - Also owns THPC

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    Simplicity at its best! 🤩

    Some nice songs on beer 
    Beer Cant Fix
    Cold Beer Calling my Name
    Drinkin Beer. Talking God
    The Wild Rover - Contributed by Clare Bowen

    Am looking out for more beer songs!
    If it is not mentioned here, please leave in comments. Many Thanks. 

    2 comments - add a comment
  • Nov 15th 2023 at 12:58 AM
    Welcome! New Game - Crowns 👑👑👑


    Brought to you by Inga Oz, welcoming new game Crowns.
    Collect crowns and earn some great cash prizes.
    Click on the banner to learn more.

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  • Nov 12th 2023 at 11:13 AM
    HAPPY DIWALI 2023🎇🎇🎇

    HAPPY DIWALI 2023🎇

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  • Nov 11th 2023 at 7:41 AM
    I RAN ... SO CAN YOU! 😎

    I RAN ... SO CAN YOU! 😎

    Residual Ad Network (RAN) offers almost all the services
    of a full fledged TE and a lot more.

    At 50% comms and very generous surfer rewards
    (get them before the admin changes his mind, lol),
    no reason to not earn a residual income.
    Lots of payment options, too!    

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  • Nov 6th 2023 at 8:49 AM
    New TE! Launched Oct'23

    • FREE Upgrade still available

    • PromoCode "NewTE"

    • Upgraded - 30% Comms

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  • Nov 4th 2023 at 5:52 AM
    New! Water World TE - Nov'23

    • 4 Second Timer for everyone during launch
    • Daily PromoCode "WaterWorld"
    • Upgraded - 40% Comms
    • FREE - 10% Comms

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  • Nov 1st 2023 at 11:56 AM


    Hard work never killed anybody! But, why take a chance? 😄
    Enjoy these prize pages ....

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  • Oct 15th 2023 at 7:33 AM
    New TE from Barry Bogart! October'23

    • Sign Up Bonus $1 after 1000 pages

    • 50% Comms

    • $0.10 Referral Bonus

    • Food Game Appetizers

    • Cross Promos

    • 500 FG Gold Complimentary Gift from me

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  • Oct 3rd 2023 at 5:24 PM



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  • 500 FG GOLD GIFT! NEW TEs JUL / AUG / SEP'23🎯

    Join any TE below and get 500 FG Gold gift from me 🤗

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  • Oct 1st 2023 at 8:08 AM


    Get your Groove On! Collect Rocktober tokens and win Big! Click for details!

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  • Sep 15th 2023 at 9:22 AM


    Earn extra from the Page that you will find in the below TE's. 
    The best part of is that everyone who collects is rewarded, there is no top 10 etc.
    Whatever you collect while surfing is yours
    This list is updated every Monday at reset.  Minimum Cashout $10 - Paypal.
    Join any site & Get 500 FG Gold 
    🎁 Complimentary.

    The Happy Pig Country banner








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    No Kidding!

    Yes! Believe it or not, in the TE World being FastnFurious
    can take you all the way to the bank! 

    At FastNFurious, there are so many ways
    to earn that low minimum $10 cashout. 
    Let's get started!

    How to earn💲from surfing? 

    1. Weekly Surf Rewards Stay in the Top 5
    and take home $1 every week.
    That is $4 in a month.
    50 positions available from $1 to $0.05
    2. Team Surfing - Join a team and believe me, there is always
    place for a good surfer and take home  $0.50 every week. 
    That is $2 in a month.
    3. Surf Cash - Every 317 page or so,
    collect the golden trophy for $0.01 surf cash. 
    4. Cross Promos - Oh, so many cross promos on almost every day of the week.
    Earn between $0.05 to $0.10 per cross promo!

    Ok, that's all great and dandy but am not much into surfing! 😏

    I hear you!
    😄 So, lets see how much can we earn
    from promoting and/or sales?

    How to earn 💲from promoting and/or sales?

    1. Commissions - Upto 60% comms if you are a Pro Member.
    2. Monthly Referral Contest  - You can earn upto $5.00 if you have the maximum number of referrals in a month
    and 50 positions available here too. Wow! 

    Wow! Thats awesome, anything else?

    Yes, if and when you upgrade dont forget to
    download the quick clicker to speed up all that clicking,

    and try to earn free referrals by joining the Ad co-op!
    Great admin! Great members! Great advertising!

    Click the banner below and kickstart your FastNFurious earnings today.
    Get 750 FG Gold Complimentary 
    😊 Be eligible for a semi-pro upgrade too! 

    2 comments - add a comment

    If the title caught your attention,
    dont stop now, continue reading,
    it can be very rewarding!
    (best to keep your head out of the gutter, though)😄

    Am not on the fence with this one anymore, nothing to lose!
    Only more cash and advertising to add to your kitty 😊

    Lots of great advertising options with 5 level referral rewards!
    Win advertising C/B/T for being the top daily bone collector. 
    Probably the site offers lots more which needs more exploration.

    Each bone has a value of $0.0001,
    which means it takes ten thousand bones
    to equal a dollar. 10,000 x 0.0001 = $1.

    And, voila, you can convert this into $$.  

    There are plenty of sites to collect bones
    and some of my favourite sites are listed below. 

    Get 500 to 750 Food Game Gold
    🎁 complimentary
    if you choose to join any of them. 😊


    2 comments - add a comment
  • Sep 11th 2023 at 4:47 PM


    Plenty of Hits 4 U is just as its slogan says a place
    for quality time & traffic! 

    This newbie TE has lots of advertising opportunities and 50% comms.

    It also offers a lot of ways to earn while surfing:
    Daily surfer rewards,
    team surfing rewards,
    venom game,
    the dice game,
    weekly contests,

    Low $10 Cashout.  Admin is very prompt with payments.

    Go ahead and give it a try, Get 750 FG Gold Complimentary. 

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  • Sep 11th 2023 at 3:55 PM


    Love earning from Cross Promos (CP)? 😄Then, look no further, make surfbash your daily CP dose.

    With great advertising, daily cash awards, weekly surf competition, awesome members, low $10 cashout, this is one TE not to miss!

    Click on the banner and sign up! 😎

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    Joining Finest Traffic is a no brainer! 😊 

    One of the best surfing aggregators out there with great advertising options.  It is one of my go to sites for getting referrals. 50 pages surfed in partner sites earns you 1 point.  Earn points from various TEs by visiting the partner pool and check Partner Site Pool-> User Rankings to see how much your points earned you or where you are in the table.  You can earn stars too and compete in the monthly competition but points determines your weekly and monthly earnings. 😊 

    You can earn up to 40% commissions too. Collect 500 FG Gold 🎁 Complimentary by joining as my referral. 

    Finest Traffic Banner

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  • Sep 11th 2023 at 7:20 AM
    Get 750 FG Gold Gift from me 🤗

    750 Food Game Gold Gift

    Join any TE below and get 750 FG Gold gift from me 🤗

    The Food Game banner

    1 comments - add a comment
  • Sep 11th 2023 at 7:16 AM
    Get 500 FG Gold Gift from me 🤗

    Hello Friends

    500 Food Game Gold Gift
    Join any TE below and get 500 FG Gold gift from me 🤗

    Finest Traffic Banner


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  • Welcome to the wonderful journey of
    earning passive income!

    Hello there! My name is Mona. 
    My 🏡 is Hyderabad, India.

    I have always been fascinated by internet income and 
    I enjoy earning passive income from Crypto and TE's.

    In TE's, there are several earning opportunities presented,
    earnings from Surfing or Promoting and a combination of both.

    It is up to you to find your niche and
    grow in what makes you more comfortable 😉

    Join and try out the earning opportunities first hand
    to find out what works for you because
    every TE offers almost the same thing but at the
    same time something different.

    To help you on this journey, please feel free to
    avail of offers and gifts!🎁😊🎁to my referrals are
    500 Food Game Gold
    or 750 Food Game Gold for joining specific TEs.

    And, if you are not yet a member of the food game,
    you are missing out on lots of good stuff mostly FREE UPGRADES,
    to join please click the banner below and kickstart
    your journey of earning passive income

    The Food Game banner

    2 comments - add a comment
Mona's RSS Feed
The best days of my life ...
Jul 25th 2024 at 8:39 AM
New TEs in May'24
May 31st 2024 at 8:56 AM
Payout Request Format or example
May 5th 2024 at 3:00 AM
Mona's Friends
showing 20 of 57 total friends